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Creativity Live Case Study

Hear what a teacher from London thought about her experience taking part in our Creativity Live, Celebrating Wellbeing livestream.

The opportunity was brought to my attention by a member of staff in school as an alternative to an English lesson so that’s where we slotted it in our timetable. I wanted something a bit more engaged and full on for them, a bit of a change from sitting in the classroom. I thought it was a good way of approaching mental health.”

“I’m often wary of how we approach the topic of mental health as we know that children can be quite vulnerable to this, and I am often wary of labelling things and them saying oh I’ve got this I’ve got that so I wanted ”

“This was my first interaction with Eastside – [I] heard through other members of staff.”

Impact on students:

“It gives them a little opening and idea of what mental health is and it plants the idea that it’s not something that is negative or positive it’s just there. It’s a bit hard to look at the impact of this, but it’s something that we will use as a springboard and refer back to. It was great that you read things out too that schools had sent in [from Padlet], because it helped the ones that don’t always want to speak up.”

Impact on teacher:

I’ll refer back to it when tackling this subject – good to have another voice in the classroom. I thought the poem was a good idea and I liked the idea of moving from one room to to do things in a more general way.

They really enjoyed it, enjoyed all of the activities and they understood it all. We loved the power poses and they actually featured in our newsletter, pictures of the Y3s doing their poses. So those really stood out from the session. They were engaged throughout the session. They were absolutely fine with all the actions and movements.another.” 

Programme      Primary, SEND

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Working towards a future in which all young people’s creativity is nurtured and celebrated