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Teacher CPD

Eastside Creative Teacher CPD is designed to support your school staff to embed creativity into teaching and learning

Eastside has over 29 years of experience delivering creative provision in schools and we are confident and highly skilled in training staff in arts-based approaches to the curriculum.

Eastside Creative Teacher CPD is designed to support your school staff to embed creativity into teaching and learning. Workshops are interactive and led by Eastside’s experienced creative practitioners who guide you through adaptable tools and techniques for using arts-based approaches to teach your curriculum whilst providing opportunities to develop creative approaches that are tailored and focused on your specific context and pupils’ needs.

We can offer CPD workshops in any of the following art forms:

  • Filmmaking and Animation
  • Creative Writing, Poetry and Spoken Word
  • Dance and Music
  • Drama and Storytelling


Don’t take our word for it. Hear what participating teachers and artists have to say about our workshops.

Enquire today

If you are looking for a creative CPD offer for your school staff professional development please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. 

Designed for Primary, Secondary and SEND schools by Eastside’s expert creative practitioners to inject fun and creativity at the heart of school life.