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The Lund Fund

What others have to say

About David Lund.

I knew David before he taught at UCS and he arrived just when I was taking O’ levels. It was easy for him to bridge the gap between friendship and formality in the classroom because he created an ethos of collaborative learning and mutual respect. He welcomed initiatives and contributions from his class. He enthusiastically countered the dominating front-of-the-class lecture style of teaching that prevailed then. Indeed, he was never still. He plunged up and down the rows, waving his arms, often bumping into desks and never missed an opportunity to use levity to hold our attention. Explaining the technique of onomatopoeia he dryly informed us that it was what the man shouted down from his flying carpet (“I’m on-a-mat-up-‘ere”). We groaned and he flashed his wonderful smile.

David’s gentle humour had an edge. It meant that nothing pompous or pretentious could go unchallenged. His charm combined mischief with kindness and he expected you to be as full of open-minded curiosity as he was. His Sixth Form lessons were, therefore, more like seminars in which he often just skilfully facilitated discussion. It was the best of learning environments and so different to the mechanised approach to teaching that was later forced on schools and which I know he opposed.

His modesty and generosity deflected attention from his enormous talent: he was not only a brilliant and largely self-taught pianist, but also an artist of great skill. His brother Peter and he were a great double act and wrote for hugely popular comedy programmes in the 1960s.  They loved parody and wordplay. For example, one sketch mocks the dry-as-dust newsreader of the period as he drones out absurd news items, one of which was:

“Reports are coming in that Adolph Hitler has committed suicide. (Pause) Doctors describe his condition as ‘satisfactory’.”

The spirit of play may have gone into his love of learning, but as well as the jokes, he also introduced items of news into our lessons. I remember him giving an impromptu summary of the work of Bertrand Russell whose death had just been announced. He loved films and through him I came to know some of the cinema “greats”. Despite his academic background he was essentially a practical artist in many fields and wanted to bring Drama to UCS when for most of my time there it had been almost completely absent. 

Everyone reading this will feel as I do, that we need him in our lives still. Who better to confide in, share a laugh with, learn from or be gently challenged by? He deserved so much. When I last saw Peter a year or so before they both died, he raged “Life is so cruel.” It was an uncharacteristic outburst from either of them – but it was utterly justified, as we know. Peter was David’s biggest fan and he would be delighted that we are celebrating him now, preserving his spirit and showing our love.

Written by: David Harrold
Former student (left UCS 1971)

Help us tell the story of david's life

Do you also have fond memories of David or your time at UCS? Send us photos, videos, written pieces, music, etc.



Every penny, pound or gift you donate helps young people in a number of ways.

Lund Fund donations directly support the delivery of artist-led workshops in the most deprived neighbourhoods across London and the UK.  Your donations work in many ways including the following:

  • £50 enables Eastside to offer a bursary to a student on one of our films and digital media courses, supporting travel, childcare or other costs that may be a barrier to participation
  • £250 enables a school to join Eastside Online, our digital platform giving free access to schools across the country to high quality creative educational videos, lesson plans and live-streamed artist-led workshops for students and teachers.
  • £1000 enables us to run spoken word poetry workshops for schools that have never had access to artist lead creative learning opportunities
  • £10,000 enables 5 schools to have a fully subsidised place on our Creative Schools programme, a long term whole school artist in residence initiative engaging up to 900 students and upskilling the whole teaching team in creative learning
  • £50,000 enables us to run a year-long development programme for up to 60 diverse young aspirant filmmakers drawn from the most deprived communities, giving them the tools and platform to create the films that matter to them and a pathway to enter the industry.


In addition, Eastside uses the Lund Fund as vital match funding to help us leverage much bigger grants from trusts and foundations thereby helping us scale up our creativity to offer to young people across the country and beyond.


Dave Lund’s generous legacy gift has already created a truly significant impact on thousands of young lives across the country.

For example, in 2019, to celebrate its 25th anniversary, Eastside bid to the Arts Council England to run a national spoken-word poetry project reaching the most disadvantaged young people across the country and beyond.  The Lund Fund gift, offered as match funding in the bid, unlocked £110,000 of funding from the Arts Council to make this incredible project a reality.  Over 3,100 young participants from 82 schools across England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Cyprus, France, Spain and Nigeria took part to generate 1100 new spoken word poems which can be found in the wonderful I know I wish I will book

Watch the I know I wish I will trailer here, find out more about the whole project here.

Eastside is proud to have committed a further £10,000 of Lund Fund resource as match funding in a bid to secure 3 more years of precious funding from the Arts Council England (value £310,000) to extend our incredible spoken word work with young people across the nation in a new project entitled WORD POWER due to start Autumn 2021. 

Watch this space for further updates.

For all of these remarkable achievements, we say ‘Thanks a million Dave! ‘

David Lund banner

Thank you for creating a memory/testimonial of David Lund on the Lund Fund Webpage ( ) – this will help keep David’s memory alive and benefit thousands of young people as we raise much needed funding to enrich their lives through art and culture. 

  1. Set up a Zoom meeting on your computer ensuring the video and audio are switched on (alternatively you can record a short film on your smartphone but make sure to film in landscape, with your phone on its side to get the right format)
  2. Press record and leave your own testimonial, sharing your personal memories of David Lund (please take your time, using the prompt questions below especially answering questions 1 and 2, and don’t worry if you make mistakes – we will be able to edit the films if need be)
  3. Email the film files to and we will upload the films onto our web pages. If you’d rather email a written testimonial that’s fine too. 

Prompt Questions 

  1. What is your name?
  2. What years were you at UCS / How did you know Dave Lund if you are not a former student?
  3. What do you remember of David Lund?
  4. Did he have any influence on your life? If so how?
  5. Do you have one or two treasured memories or anecdotes you would like to share? Do you have anything you would like to say about the Lund Fund?

Thank you so much for your support.

Matt Lane

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