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Creative Schools

Enabling children and young people in schools and colleges across East London to experience high-quality creative arts projects

We are now focusing our east London-based work and the legacy of Creative Schools to East Ed. Find out more about East Ed.

Creative Schools is the biggest partnership of arts, culture, and schools in East London. 

Creative Schools + Creative Colleges is a free subscription service that supports education establishments directly in Newham, Tower Hamlets, Barking & Dagenham, Hackney, Redbridge and Waltham Forest

The programme explores the national conversation on creativity in education,  infrastructure  and partnership development within East London and beyond through large scale collaboration projects, as well as teacher CPD and networking events. 

Since December 2021, Eastside has been the host of the Creative Schools Programme.

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Don’t take our word for it. Hear what teachers have to say about Creative Schools.

Our mission is to empower young lives and youth voice through participation in arts programmes.